Your Team

Dr. Patrick Callas, ND Naturopathic Physician
Dr. Patrick Callas is a Director of Psy Integrated Health Inc. and a Naturopathic Physician who was born and raised on islands of the West Coast. His two passions and clinical focuses are cancer care and brain health. He founded and ran his own integrative clinic on Salt Spring Island, Island Natural Health, until moving back to Vancouver in January of 2017 with his family. His journey to successfully conquer his own terrible anxiety and digestive problems gives him insight and empathy for all of us on a healing path.
Dr. Patrick’s Approach
Dr. Patrick lives the naturopathic principal of doctor as teacher. He guides his patients to make better-informed healthcare decisions, and to the remedies and services they need. He uses your health goals in combination with his medical knowledge and insights to treat you, as a whole individual. He works closely with the integrated health team at Empower Health and will also work with any other like-minded healthcare providers who are part of your own health team (outside of Empower Health). He knows that the best healing happens when mind and body are cared for and in balance.
Advanced Training and Certifications:
• Advanced Intravenous Therapies
• Heavy Metal Toxicology & IV Chelation – Drs. Paul Anderson, ND, & Virginia Osborne, ND
• Oxidative Therapies (Hydrogen peroxide, Ozone & UVB) with Dr. Michael Prytula, ND
• Advanced Neural Therapy with Dr. Jeff Harris, ND
• Prolotherapy Certification with Drs. Tom Ravin, MD, Marc Dubick, MD, & George Pasquarello, DO, of the American Association for Musculoskeletal Medicine (AAMSM)
• Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT)
• Medical Qi Gong from Master Teresa Yeung
• Naturopathic Cardiac Life Support and Basic Life Support with CPR
• Naturopathic Pharmaceutical Prescribing License
Dr. Patrick also has a special focus on:
• Cancer Prevention
• Brain optimization
• Immune optimization
Compassionate and Quirky
Dr. Patrick is kind and light-hearted. He listens attentively and prides himself on empowering his patients to learn more about themselves and their health. His office is the one that is often filled with laughter because — after all — laughter is the best medicine… well, besides Naturopathic medicine. A warning: if you are not familiar with Monty Python’s Flying Circus, this is likely to be prescribed viewing for you.
If you have any questions about booking please contact our Wellness Coordinators at 604.336.2844
Book in with Dr. Patrick today, if you are experiencing:
- Cancer
- Anxiety or Depression
- Trauma, including Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Chronic Pain
- Insomnia
- Head injury: including Recent concussion and Post-concussion Syndrome
- Lyme Disease or other Tick-borne Illnesses