Got Anxiety? Here’s How a Psychologist Could Help

“I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.” 

Can you relate? Mark Twain may have spoken the following words in 1934, but they can probably apply to almost anyone who reads them today. 

Worrying about this or that or the other thing is an inextricable part of the human condition. That being said, worry can quickly become clinical if left unchecked. Millions of Canadians currently experience clinical anxiety — a condition that can basically be thought of as a state of internal or internalised worrying that’s so pervasive it leads to externalized anxiety panic and fear.

If you’re currently experiencing anxiety, however,  don’t let the issue compound further by letting it get you down. That’s because there’s also some good news: anxiety can be dealt with, relieved, or even completely eliminated with the help of a trained psychologist. How? Let’s take a closer look.

Anxiety: the result of a disjointed consciousness?

Some older trains of psychological thought viewed anxiety as the result of a disjointed, or fragmented, consciousness. In other words, they thought anxiety was caused when a person sensed a disconnect between what they think and what they believe. Freud’s work into the various roles of the ego and superego dove deep into this fascinating topic. [1

Anxiety: the result of a chemical imbalance?

Newer branches of psychology, however, have identified another potential cause of anxiety and other types of mental imbalance: a chemical imbalance. It’s thought that anxiety can be caused when a person’s brain produces too little dopamine or serotonin and too much cortisol. [2

Alternatively, serotonin and or dopamine receptors within the brain maybe come desensitised to their respective neurotransmitters. (This is an oversimplified explanation, of course, but it’s still helpful.)

What really causes anxiety: a more balanced perspective

Could it be that both of the above theories are flawed? Probably so. That’s because human neurochemistry can flow both ways form can determine function and function can determine form. In other words, energy and structure are interdependent. In other other words, what you think can determine your brain chemistry — and your brain chemistry can determine what you think!

These concepts go a long way toward explaining the value of a psychologist’s role. A trained psychologist can help you get in touch with your thoughts, helping you reaffirm functional thoughts and let go of dysfunctional thoughts. In the long run this type of brain training can have a tangible impact on your brain’s hormonal production. Psychologists who are well versed in cognitive behavioural therapy, or CBT, may be especially helpful for those who are suffering from anxiety. 

When new thought patterns are combined with new types of activity, anxiety loses much of its power. Many people who had previously been diagnosed with clinical anxiety disorder find that several months of cognitive-behavioural therapy is enough for them to begin feeling like a brand new version of themselves: less anxious, less fearful, less inhibited and more hopeful overall.

Summing things up

If you’re ready to break free from the shackles of anxiety, our therapists and psychologists are here to help. Whether you’re most interested in cognitive-behavioural therapy, psychedelic-assisted therapy, or other therapeutic models, don’t hesitate to get in touch! Hundreds and thousands of people in a similar situation to yourself have already used psychotherapy to rediscover who they really are.


Ready to take the first step towards managing your anxiety and improving your mental wellbeing? BOOK ONLINE to connect with one of our experienced psychologists today.