Approximately half of the population will experience or have experienced a mental illness by the time they reach 40 years old. Mental illness can impact individuals from various age groups, educational backgrounds, income levels, and cultural backgrounds. [1] With the increasing prevalence of mental health challenges, it’s crucial to explore effective strategies for managing and nurturing our mental well-being.

In this blog, we explore the concepts of self-soothing and self-care, highlighting their differences and uncovering the key to long-term mental well-being. Our aim is to empower you with knowledge and techniques that can help you cultivate a healthy mind.

Understanding Self-Soothing and Self-Care 

Self-Soothing: Finding Temporary Relief

Self-soothing refers to the activities and techniques we engage in to provide immediate comfort or relief from distressing emotions. These practices aim to calm us down in the present moment and alleviate acute emotional discomfort. While self-soothing is valuable, it primarily focuses on short-term relief rather than addressing the root causes of our mental health challenges.

Self-Care: A Pillar of Mental Health Management

Self-care takes self-soothing a step further by aiming at the roots of our mental health challenges. It involves conscious decisions and actions to take care of our emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. These practices are not just about providing immediate relief, but also about fostering long-term resilience, self-awareness, and sustainable mental wellness.

Key Differences between Self-Soothing and Self-Care 

Self-soothing provides quick relief and instant gratification, momentarily alleviating stress or emotional discomfort. However, its effects may be short-lived, as it primarily focuses on managing symptoms rather than addressing the underlying causes of mental health issues. Self-care, on the other hand, prioritises long-term benefits, fostering a resilient foundation for mental well-being by nurturing various aspects of our lives.

Self-soothing activities often involve distractions or indulgences that provide temporary pleasure, such as binge-watching TV shows, eating comfort foods, or engaging in impulsive behaviours. While these practices may provide temporary relief, they don’t necessarily contribute to our overall well-being. In contrast, self-care takes a holistic approach, encompassing practices that support our mental, physical, and emotional health, such as regular exercise, healthy eating, journaling, practising mindfulness, and seeking therapy or counselling.

Integrating Self-Soothing and Self-Care for Mental Health Management

Rather than viewing self-soothing and self-care as opposing approaches, the key lies in integrating these practices effectively. By combining the power of self-soothing techniques for immediate relief with the long-term benefits of self-care, we can create a balanced approach to mental health management. This integration allows us to address the root causes of our distress while also ensuring that we nurture and care for ourselves in the present moment.

Eight Self-Care Tips for Effective Mental Health Management

  1. Regular Exercise: Engage in physical activities that you enjoy to promote the release of endorphins and boost your mood.
  2. Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness and meditation to cultivate self-awareness and emotional regulation.
  3. Sleep: Maintain healthy sleep patterns to support your mental and physical health.
  4. Therapy: Don’t hesitate to seek therapy or counselling to help uncover and address underlying issues.
  5. Create a Routine: Develop a self-care routine that includes activities you genuinely enjoy and find rejuvenating.
  6. Relationships: Foster supportive relationships and maintain open communication with your loved ones.
  7. Nutrition: Prioritise a balanced diet that nourishes your body and mind.
  8. Community: As Gabor Mate says the main factors that mitigate the effects of inequality are community and compassion. “If you look at the single factor of resilience, it’s the presence and compassion of people who support you,” 

Arrange a Meet & Greet with our professional counsellors or psychologists. BOOK ONLINE NOW or call us at 604 336 2844. We’re ready to assist you on your journey to improved mental well-being.

In the journey towards mental health management, understanding and implementing the balance between self-soothing and self-care techniques can be transformative. So, invest in nurturing your well-being with a personalised self-care routine and discover the power of proactive mental health management.